Theodora's Place - Respite Care

Theodora’s Place day respite centre is funded by the Australian Government through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme.

The program provides respite for carers of:

  • frail aged Australians aged 65 and over (or 50 and over for indigenous people)
  • people living with dementia, and
  • people living with dementia and challenging behaviours.

The aim of this program is to support carers by offering respite care for their loved one, to enable carers to take a break from their caring role. We offer flexible hours of attendance, and high staff to client ratio, and a wide range of stimulating activities. Emergency overnight respite is also available.

Theodora’s Place operates 9am – 5pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please contact the Respite Coordinator on (02) 6283 4999 for further information and to arrange an assessment.
